Transfer your VoIP number

scritto da Denali

il 3 November 2022

VoIP number portability is the process of moving a phone number from your current phone provider (be it a traditional carrier or VoIP service provider) to our voip numbering service. This way, you can maintain your existing phone number, even if it’s a cell phone number or landline, when switching to a new VoIP service.


If you’re getting a new IP phone system or transferring your existing phone system, it’s important to understand the process of migrating a phone number. While it sounds easy, it can be one of the most confusing and frustrating parts of the entire process. VoIP or Voice over IP is a technology that allows you to use the Internet to send and receive phone calls. With VoIP, you can use a computer or VoIP phone system to make calls without using a traditional analog phone line. Instead of dialing numbers on a rotary phone and making calls on an old analog system, calls are sent digitally over the Internet. VoIP services are very popular in places like Europe and Australia, where there are no additional charges for using an Internet phone system. In the United States, however, it is becoming increasingly popular, especially among businesses and home users who are looking for more flexibility, control, and lower costs for phone calls.

What is Voip Porting

VoIP or Voice over IP is a technology that allows you to use the Internet to send and receive phone calls. With VoIP, you can use a computer or VoIP phone system to make calls without using a traditional analog phone line. Instead of dialing numbers on a rotary phone and making calls on an old analog system, calls are sent digitally over the Internet. VoIP services are very popular in places like Europe and Australia, where there are no additional charges for using an Internet phone system. In the United States, however, they are becoming increasingly popular, especially among businesses and home users who are looking for more flexibility, control, and reduced costs for phone calls. VoIP services are very popular in places like Europe and Australia, where there are no additional costs for using an Internet phone system. The porting procedure simply consists of migrating your numbering from your current provider to us. We can walk you through the entire process to make it as simple as possible. This way you will not have to change your number, with all the advantages.

Disadvantages of Voip porting

Avoid unnecessary costs – Having a landline is expensive. Most providers charge between €30 and €70 per month for landline service. If you get rid of your landline and switch to VoIP, you won’t have to worry about those pesky phone bills. – Easier to manage – It is easier to manage your phone calls if you use a VoIP system. You will be able to transfer your phone number without having to change the number plate. – Call Volume Control – With a VoIP system, you can limit the amount of calls you want to receive. With a VoIP system, you can block unwanted calls and make sure you don’t miss important ones. – Use your phone number everywhere – With a VoIP service, you can use your existing phone number. This is especially important if you have a mobile or landline phone number that people might recognize. People can use that number to contact you if they need to reach you urgently. – Keep your current phone number – Through the porting procedure you will be able to keep your current number.


You can save hundreds of euros per year by switching to a VoIP service. You can also control your call volume and keep your current phone number when you switch to VoIP. There are a few things to keep in mind before transferring your phone number. There are a few things to keep in mind before transferring your phone number. First, make sure you can use your current phone number with the VoIP service you choose. In c

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