Outsourcing WebHosting Technical Infrastructure

scritto da Denali

il 3 November 2022

If yours is a webdesign, webmarketing or ecommerce development company, or you are a freelancer in the field, you may not want to hire system engineers or have new technical headaches, just to be able to manage your sites’ security, reliability and continuity. In this case, it is better to rely on an external company that can manage your hosting (or virtual server) by managing in an integrated way all the technological part and thus totally safeguarding the security of your work and your clients and the continuity of all your services. You will be able in this way, without any additional cost, to take care exclusively of your work while also having economic advantages resulting from savings in terms of internal personnel and reductions in infrastructure management costs, thanks to the reseller prices we propose.

Benefits of outsourcing

For example, a webdesign company or webmarketing company will be able to effectively acquire a VPS (virtual private server) on which to place its clients ( its clients’ sites) with which to benefit from the following important advantages:

  • placement of clients’ sites in a secure infrastructure, which includes programmable backup, control panel and automated monitoring system;
  • centralization and integration of its services;
  • cyber security of their clients’ content, thanks to anti-malware monitoring, anti-dos controls, automatic ban of unwanted access;
  • consulting and assistance regarding implementations for its clients;
  • 24h and 7d real ticket system with highly skilled technicians who respond in record time and provide effective answers;
  • easy system management with the ability to upgrade and downgrade in near real time;

This will allow the webdesign or webmarketing company to focus only on its business without fear for the platform and the security of its clients’ content. Quite an advantage, no? In addition, Denali, as a hosting partner, will be transparent to the client and the company will be able to manage its clients in full autonomy and freedom without any influence of management or pricing policy.

Custom and special installations

We can also, together with you, evaluate special and custom installations that may be ideal for your clients with non-standard or particularly important needs. As examples, here are some special installations we can perform and manage with you:

  • dedicated mail servers, even with zimbra ( such as communication suite )
  • cloud server for files and multimedia over the network. Usable from computer, mobile, tablet and any other device
  • dedicated DNS servers
  • video servers or servers for multimedia
  • dedicated database servers
  • VOIP telephony servers, virtual switchboards
  • FAX servers
  • SMS servers

and much more. Call us to discuss the best and most interesting applications for your clients. We can support you in any suitable web or Internet infrastructure installation. Installations that you otherwise could not have done or managed on your own. Our company has been assisting companies and industry professionals for years. We support and assist very remarkable and highly viewed blogs such as Riccardo Scandellari and Rudy Bandiera , who together with our support have the full success they deserve.

Contact us without obligation to assess your situation. You can also consult the reseller page for more details about the proposal. For more information about the company, you can check out the Denali website where you will find any further information and the possibility to contact us by phone or by using the information request form. Our contact and analysis of your facility is free and without any commitment.

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